
#EndSARS Campaign

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My #EndSARS Experience

“I am okay. I refused to run. I walked with my fist high up. Police were all shooting at me as I walked away. I came out of the fence they cowardly built around themselves and about 4 of them came at me at the junction throwing bottled water this time,”

“With my fist still raised, I told them how shameless they were. One of them cursed me and I gave it back to him. Only one of the bottled water they threw at me touched me slightly and from anyone far away with 4 of them throwing water bottles at me it would have seemed they had me.

“One of them had pushed me and the raised hand might be what some saw as a slap. No, I wasn’t slapped and I refused to cower and I turned and gave them a piece of what I thought of their pathetic selves and if I am going to die, it would be with my fist high up and my mouth open”.